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Stitch Counsel | March 3, 2023

Stitch Counsel | March 3, 2023
UPDATE 3/3/23 - Our studio is currently experiencing severe weather and our power and internet is out. If it is restored, we'll see you at 3 pm Central Time. If not, we'll see you next month. Thank you for your understanding.

The Chilly Dog is eager to meet you and see what you're working on. Each month we gather for 30-45 minutes in a private, online meeting room to chat about all things knitting!

During Stitch Counsel we:

  • Show recent WIPs and FOs
  • Share knitting tips and tricks
  • Ask questions
  • Celebrate success (and maybe mourn projects that have gone to the frog pond)
  • Get a behind the scenes peek at what's happening in The Chilly Dog's Studio

How to attend

You’ll need to download Zoom, our meeting software, to join the meeting.

Simply click on the join Zoom Meeting link below and you'll be able to use the camera and microphone on your device to be a part of the conversation.