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Sock Knitting Essentials

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Shadow Wrapped Short Row Heel Variation

Adding extra rounds between the first and second half of the heel shaping.
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Small Circumference Knitting: Purling the First Stitch

Staying untangled when you purl after a needle change.
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Spiral Sock Toes

A pretty combination of form and function.
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Square Sock Toe

Rather than knitting around the cast on stitches, you start by knitting a small rectangle.
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Square Turn Heel

An alternative to the trapezoidal French Turn Heel.
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Studio Snapshots | Drying, Caking and Blossoming

Knitting, weaving and slow living projects and inspirations.
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The Afterthought Heel

A little forethought can make knitting an afterthought heel even easier.
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The Band Heel

An alternative to the standard flap and gusset heel.
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Thoughtful Afterthought Heels

3 Steps to put a little forethought into your heel.
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Top-Down Short Row Sock Toes

An overview of shaping that matches a short row heel.
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Top-Down Star Toe Shaping

A sturdier, more comfortable alternative to paired-decrease sock toes.
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Transitioning from Rows to Rounds in Socks Heels

Minimizing the hole that forms after the heel shaping.
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Turning a French Heel

The common French turn heel creates a trapezoid of fabric on the bottom of the heel.
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Why is my Knitting Inside Out?

Keeping things right side out when knitting in the round.
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Wrap and Turn Short Rows for Toe-Up Sock Toes

Rather than starting at the tip of the toe, shaping begins at the base of the toe.
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Yarn Over Short Row Heels

A smoother, wrong side heel diagonal than other short row methods.